Fundraising | Riga Real Estate Invest Consult Renovate


Transactions with real estate often involve lending of funds. To find a solution most appropriate for your situation, to save your time and spare you all the troubles of having to deal with numerous formalities the professional credit brokers of RRE:

  • provide comprehensive counsel on credit institutions and loans, conditions to secure these loans and the best offers at a time such advice is given;
  • develop a plan for you to secure a loan that would be appropriate for your situation and needs of funding;
  • prepare a package of documents to be filed with a bank/ savings and loan company;
  • work with you to fill in a loan application for a bank/ savings and loan company;
  • represent your interests during negotiations and any communication with a bank/ savings and loan company;
  • assist you in assessing loan proposals to select the most convenient for you;
  • when necessary, assist in issuing a loan secured by Riga Real Estate.